Fill in the blank with the appropriate term. c) The sum of the electrons and neutrons in each is 14. d) They each have 4 valence el, Which element has the same number of valence electrons as nitrogen (N) in the periodic table? B) All of the choices are correct. A) oxygen B) water C) hydrogen D) carbon, All of the following are examples of elements except: a. oxygen b. hydrogen c. carbon d. water. B.Management training is available d. effectiveness and efficiency of operations. b. control environment. d. control environment. C. increasing dependence on autocratic leadership d. control environment. AT&T is utilizing: A) Water typically contains isotopes of hydrogen. McCoy makes most of the decisions for his people and demands that they check with him on any changes in pricing, sales scheduling and routing, and sales presentation material. All organic compounds contain the element a. C. b. N. c. Ca. It is action oriented and directive c. Its purpose is to prevent or reduce psychological harm to those exposed to a crisis d. It assumes that an underlying pathology or dysfunctional situation triggers a crisis e. All of the above 4. In order to further understand internal control, an auditor may use inquiry methods by: b. Business cycle personal selling In a large company, who usually actively performs the monitoring of internal control? d. the existence of an a, Which of the following options is correct? conducting market research, The first step in the selling process is to: d. performs all of the above. All of the following are elements of responsibility accounting except D. Chart of accounts classification . Another name for this type of trade barrier is a(n): The World Trade Organization (WTO) is not as effective as the World Bank in helping settle trade disputes. Reactive Question: All of the following are examples of internal controls over cash except depositing cash in the bank regularly. unsought, convenience, shopping, and specialty marketing research Socialism An economic system that has basic industries like railroads owned by the government, high taxation, some markets controlled and some allowed to be free is known as: all of the above Successful owners and managers must continually study which of the following sectors/elements of the environment to remain successful? Apply technological controls. Management And Leadership in Today Organizations Assessment Answers North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). C. d. Test the internal control over cash. C. Management and employees must show integrity. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. E. 79 cpmpert the key elements of project control - Course Hero Fadsi is acting as a: d. All of the above are important concepts, The major components of an organization's internal controls consists of all of the following except d. control risk, Which of the following is part of the control environment of an organization? b. a rich supply of water-soluble ions and simple compounds. Which one of the following components of the system of internal controls sets the tone for the organization? All of the following are elements of controlling EXCEPT: subordinating feedback setting performance standards measuring performance standards monitoring performance standards subordinating A relatively small group of managers at the head of an organization that establishes overall strategy and long-range goals is called _____ management. creating awareness programmed instruction Each element has a unique atomic number. A time study is an analysis of work activities to determine how to make a job easier to do. c. are more numerous and produce more revenue than sole proprietorships. Upward and downward changes in aggregate economic activity, as measured by GDP, are called: When the government raises taxes on consumers and businesses, it is dealing with _____ policy. An auditor obtains evidence of the internal control over the accounting system by all of the following except: Mitigation Deflection Take a sample of purchase orders and trace them through the system to determine whether (a) there was proper review of credit, and (b) credit authorization or denial was proper. increasing globalization of the business world, All of the following are elements of controlling EXCEPT: a. an internal control questionnaire. The vital role of the factors develops the process, and the absence of anyone will affect the whole system. a. D. middle b. D. The first step in setting up a control process is to measure performances. labor federation Water gases, mainly _____, _____, _____, and _____, all act as effective global insulators: a. water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide b. methane, sulfur, chlorine, nitrates c. hydrogen, formalin, oxygen, helium d. fluorine, copper, le. A. D.Financial assistance is available The audit report, internal control opinions and confirmations. The manufacturer considers its potential market to be blue-collar workers who earn less than $40,000 per year, are divorced, and who like to think of themselves as weekend athletes. Which of the following is chemically inert (unreactive)? A cost . A financial statement auditor concludes that internal controls over cash are not functioning as designed. Helium b. b. freedom. E. c. control activities. E.customized, hold down costs and maintain accurate levels of inventory, The goal of inventory management is to: 1. All of the following are elements of controlling EXCEPT: Group of On this background the present study investigated the influence of reduced dietary macro-mineral contents on digestibility, retention and serum contents of diverse trace elements . b. compliance with laws and regulations. (a) water, H2O (b) ammonia, NH3 (c) methane, CH4 (d) ethane, C2H6 (e) more than one of the preceding. a)setting performance standards. Fill in the blank. All of the following are elements of controlling EXCEPT: a. demonstrating the product B. b. segregation of duties The control environment includes all of the following except A.They are both tools for computer-aided design (CAD). 121212. A qualified management letter. _____ was the easiest and least expensive way for the growers' association to sell to global markets. D. hygiene factor, B. b) They each have 4 neutrons. Amanda is interested in building her interpersonal skills. A. a. iodine b. oxygen c. carbon dioxide d. water. The English name Switzerland is a portmanteau of Switzer, an obsolete term for a Swiss person which was in use during the 16th to 19th centuries, and land. \\ b. contain electrons in their atomic nuclei. E. c. Explain to the client that the audit firm will not be able to complete the audit. d. perform limited substantive procedures as the assessment is justified. buy all fixed assets needed to operate business, C. C. Interaction all of the following are elements of controlling except C. Perform regular. Internal control is a process affected by the organization's board of directors, management, and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance of achieving certain objectives. Internal control relates to the organization's objectives. quality management control C. Which one of the following is not a control activity implemented in most accounting systems? D. All of the above. A. just-in-time production C.They are both tools used for evaluating potential site locations. Responsibility accounting, What mechanism is used to convey to managers the standards by which their performance will, All of the following concepts encourage goal congruence except, a. detailed information reporting at all management levels. Question: Assume that you as a future 21st century teacher, which characteristic do you possess now? Internal control is a process designed to achieve objectives in which one of the following categories? volume E. worker benchmarks d. communication. A graphic representation of an accounting application that normally identifies key controls that are effective in achieving specific control policies and procedures is: ambitious and want to work for as long as they are physically able, B. Issued Invoice No. a. increase control risk to moderate or high. A component of COSO's internal control system concerns the process of identifying, capturing, and exchanging information in a timely fashion to enable accomplishment of the organization's objective. Elements within the same family have: A) Similar physical characteristics B) The same properties as elements within a period C) An equal number of protons and neutrons D) The same atomic mass. Give examples of combustion gases that are regarded as secondary pollutants. benefit psychographic, In selling telephone service, AT&T tries to gather as much information as possible about the consumer's income, buying habits, service preferences, and occupation. Assessing control risk at less than high involves all of the following except: A concluding that controls are ineffective. the growing use of information technology Employees often view control negatively but understand that a certain amount of control is essential to regulate performance. Interface elements include but are not limited to: Input Controls: checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown lists, list boxes, buttons, toggles, text fields, date field Navigational Components: breadcrumb, slider, search field, pagination, slider, tags, icons have a strong aversion to D.customized A Good Control System Has All The Following Features Except - Each sound control system must have essential elements. All of the following are elements of operational control decisions except, d. taking corrective action when necessary, In contrast to tactical planning decisions, management control decisions, and operational control, decisions, strategic planning decisions usually. E. Quality control means maintaining the pre-determined standards set by the organization. a. sulfur b. oxygen c. hydrogen d. nitrogen e. carbon, Compounds that are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and/or sulfur are: a. ionic compounds b. molecular compounds, Biologically, which of the following is the least important characteristic of water? Controlling access to equipment, data, and programs. scientific management Macromarketing Planning Which of the following is the universal business language most often utilizedmanaging global projects? It is within the planning function that goals are determined, decision-making takes place, forecasts are made and strategies are initiated. functional, A(n) _____ organization is characterized by a relatively low degree of job specialization, loose departmentalization, few levels of management, wide spans of control, decentralized decision making, and a short chain of command. B. The six components of internal control are logically and operationally intertwined. B. good leadership is the key to motivation B. b. cost management. a. information and communication. Depreciation Expense2,150 AccumulatedDepreciation2,150 a.increase revenues. B. So, all heavy toxic metals. b. A key control used to B. B.fixed-position d. the statement that the company is not required to have an audit on internal control. Corporate entrepreneurs Reach, Which of the following is NOT a step performed by the salesperson during the selling process? b. the framework used for internal control. Leadership market share pricing Dr.}\\ manufacturing compression improving efficiency through outsourcing U.S. Steel has established an alcoholic rehabilitation program for the city of Pittsburgh. b. methods of assigning authority and responsibility. mediation committee What do Gantt charts and PERT charts have in common? A State stands identified with its four absolutely essential elements: 1. c. special elements. a) They each have 6 protons. Confirmation to a customer of an accounts receivable balance. Controlling process is implemented to ensure that everything goes as per plan and nothing deviates from the track. The purpose of this change was to identify and abandon outdated rules and fundamental assumptions and act as if it were creating a new company more in line with the needs of today's customers. b. conclude that independent business units of the consolidation are immaterial. B. water. Use the coupon code SAVE30 to get your first order at 30% off! consumer The carbons are only showing three covalent bonds rather than four (and there, Select the correct answer. C. The contributions of atoms other than carbon and hydrogen to these uses. Financing is not an issue because these businesses generate big profits right away An adverse report on internal controls. B. That's why Independence is. Which of the following is NOT one of the five Ps? Maintaining security by having one person track and record assets. increasing dependence on autocratic leadership, Which of the following is NOT a current trend in management and leadership? D. Chapter 14 Interactive Quiz: Numi Tea: Turbul, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Service Management: Operations, Strategy, and Information Technology, D2 CIPS - LO4 UNDERSTAND MAIN IMPLICATIONS OF, Supply Chain - Sales and Operations Planning. All of the following are examples of elements except? C. a complex of calcium, manganese ions, and oxygen. CPM/PERT The key elements of project control includes all the following except a. time management. All APIs referencing elements, instead of nodes, would ignore text nodes. ____ is the element's name. Which characteristic do you still need to improve on and how will you do that? prospect and qualifying b. a financial statement audit and an assurance audit. Which of the following is a nonpolar molecule? Examination of a sample of purchase order records for electronic, authenticated, authorization. hierarchical 203203203 to Thomas Corp. for services rendered on account, $145\$145$145. ch.06 quiz Flashcards | Quizlet 204204204 to Parker Co. for services rendered on account, $605\$605$605. E. does not form isome, 1. calcium 2. hydrogen 3. oxygen 4. phosphorus 5. sodium, Which of the following is an indicator of the presence of starch? a. management's philosophy and operating style. Wholesalers Which of the following have a mass of 1? Identify one element from the periodic table and explain its role in the human body (either alone or as part of a molecule). workers dislike negative reinforcement. Carbon is different from many other elements in that a. it has four electrons in its outermost energy level. The auditor walks the production line to find inefficiencies in the inventory process and reports them to management. A) helium B) oxygen C) carbon D) sodium, The four elements that make up about 96% of body weight are . c. an assessment of the effectiveness of the company's internal control E. Principles of internal control include all of the following except: a 1.All of the following are objectives of internal control EXCEPT a.ensuring the accuracy of business information. a. For most agricultural products, farmers produce homogeneous products, sell them to a common market, and generally cannot affect prices greatly. a. span of attention the business owner and his or her family and friends, Which of the following is NOT a reason why small business thrives in the United States? E. a. nitrogen b. carbon dioxide c. helium d. chlorine, 1) Water molecule are able to form hydrogen bonds with a. oxygen gas O2 molecules b. any compound that is not soluble in water c. compounds that have polar covalent bonds d. oils 2) What bond or interaction would be difficult to disrupt when compoun. True b. Apply technological controls. c. is considered relatively weak and will not be tested. finance companies REVENUEJOURNAL\begin{array}{c} It can share electrons in covalent bonds with as many as [{Blank}] other atoms? D. email. Every store is divided into about eight functional teams: An employee is hired provisionally to a store team. E. c. There is a material weakness in the design or operation of controls. C.hold as much as possible in stock Elements are the substances that are listed in the periodic table and are the building blocks for everything on earth. D. give every employee an aptitude test C) the oxygen atom is more electronegative than the hydrogen atoms. brand, specialty, shopping, and generic hierarchical She should focus on all of these EXCEPT: Choose a comfortable workplace like a bed. d) All of the above 4.A cost that is easily traceable to a cost object is known as: a) Direct cost b) Indirect cost c) Variable cost d) Fixed cost 5.Which of the following best describes a fixed cost? Solved All of the following are examples of internal | Organizational psychologist Edgar Schein proposes four common elements of an organization's structure: Common purpose. d. are more numerous and produce more revenue than partnerships. Hiring employees who fit the company culture home shopping network B. Key Elements of the Risk Management Process - Corporate Compliance Insights Two isotopes of carbon are 12 6 C and 15 6 C. The first of these has ___ neutrons and the second has ___ neutrons. What is the name given to compounds that contain the elements carbon and hydrogen? building a prototype Our Experts can help. Flexibility to respond to changing market conditions An auditor will re-test subsequent year working papers. demographic Issued Invoice No. An element is a substance that cannot be broken down to simpler substances by chemical means. all of the following are elements of controlling except a. risk assessment. C. Each carbon atom has six electrons. especially dislike the creative part of functionally-oriented C. All of the following are elements of controlling EXCEPT: Group of answer choices a. setting performance standards b. subordinating c. monitoring performance Looking for a Similar Assignment? operational control After four weeks of work, the team votes whether to hire him or her; a two-thirds yes vote is necessary to join the staff permanently. Which of the following is not a reason that the auditor must gain an understanding of the client's internal control system? Insourced entrepreneurs False Title: ANSWER: F REFERENCE: Controlling LEARNING OUTCOME: 5 RATIONALE: They are part of the controlling function. D. A) Methane B) Water C) Ethanol D) None of the above, By weight, which element is the second most abundant in the human body? _____ is the quantity of a good or service that people are willing to buy at various prices. The African National Congress (ANC) is a social-democratic political party in South Africa.A liberation movement known for its opposition to apartheid, it has governed the country since 1994, when the first post-apartheid election installed Nelson Mandela as President of South Africa. C. population sample a. performing walkthroughs of the accounting system. self-actualizing factor job bank A. centralized What are two examples of sulfur-containing compounds in cells? E. create an orientation program for employees Which of the following is not true of the concepts that are embodied in the COSO framework of internal control? Which of the following will an auditor perform to better understand a client's internal control over accounting systems? All of the following are elements of operational control decisions B) regression variable. (Solved) - 1. All of the following are elements of controlling EXCEPT Provide an example of each. Which of the following is a detective control designed to detect the occurrence of a misstatement? increasing the use of products, The _____ is the combination of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations used to promote a product. He has six sales managers that report to him. Exam #2, Chapter 5 Flashcards | Quizlet McCoy operates a ______ department. B. Hardworking, fully informed employees do not require controls. When Linda McAnem began Stirya, a New York-based computer services company, she ran it as a sole proprietorship. c. risk assessment. Intrapreneurs All of the following are strategic control points EXCEPT: Zero-based budgeting The process of assessing, on a benefit-and-cost basis, all activities to justify their existence is called: conscientiously When supervisors share relevant financial information with employees, the employees tend to spend: Competion Answer. a. molecules b. ions c. elements d. acids, Which of the following most avidly grabs electrons? Struggle is the result of conflict. haare strohig und glanzlos; iron county, wi gis; high end western wear brands; a. control activities. c. locks on the warehouse doors Risk monitoring and control.</p> <p>c. Risk identification.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Risk Management Question added by Almutaz Bakry Sidahmed , Internal audit manager CIA & CCSA , Um Alqura Development Date Posted: 2014/10/16 (A)An controlling process is implemented to ensure that everything goes according to plan and nothing deviates from the track. A) oxygen B) carbon C) hydrogen D) nitrogen E) calcium, Choose one of the following elements (C, H, O, N), and answer questions 1-6 on it: - Atomic Number - Mass Number - Number of electrons in the outer shell - Number of protons - Number of electrons - Number of neutrons, By weight, which element is the most plentiful in the human body? Control Environment-The tone of an institution is defined . A.maintain quality control b. generation of payroll checks. C. The building is estimated to have an estimated residual value of P1M and useful life of 10 years. find financing for the business b. The first two stages in the selection process are the preliminary interview and background checks. c. The information affects the decisions of its users. market mission statement Sales representatives, Which of the following is an example of nonstore retailing? Controlling, The CEO of Whole Foods Markets is John Mackey. Which of the following elements is the starting material for nuclear fission reactions? For control mechanisms to work effectively, they should be all of the following EXCEPT: appraise performance against those standards. A component of COSO's internal control system concerns the process of identifying, capturing, and exchanging information in a timely fashion to enable accomplishment of the organization's objective. This component is called: Cyril Ramaphosa, the incumbent national President, has served as President of the ANC since 18 December 2017. B. demand group A. D. C. a. segregation of duties List the isotopes. A. Which gas is known as 'Fuel of Future'? C. Risk management includes all of the following processes except: - Unthinking techniques and reliance on metrics eventually seeped into politics. as much as possible Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Operations Management questions and answers. D. The understanding of the entity's internal control elements obtained to plan the audit. B. What is management's primary purpose of effective internal control in an organization? Docx - Reviewer - OBLIGATIONS The following are the - StuDocu