But if I were a younger healthy man, Wellafter reading the entire piece, I must admit Im not impressed, The main global dynamic right now is the Chinese industrial and economic juggernauta geopolitically resurgent Russiaand the unraveling of the dollar dominated global financial order, The problem with the west is not so much cultural as it is economicthe west is a giant Ponzi scheme that must ultimately collapseas all financialized economies have collapsed since the beginning of moneyas any careful reader of Michael Hudson can tell you, One morning we will wake up and the machine will be out of gassimple as thatno moneyno funny, Thats why the rest of the world is moving toward a trading system that circumvents the dollar, or any kind of so-called reserve currencythe US itself is shoving this process forward by weaponizing trade and finance by means of sanctions gone wild, There does not need to be any kind of universal trading currency in the digital ageit is simply a matter of putting the settlement mechanisms in placeand more important, bypassing the HUMAN exchange networks now in placeie the old boys club through which dollar denominated global trade now flows, Once these processes mature, there will be no way of perpetuating the western financial Ponzi schemeit has crashed beforemost recently a decade agobut has been kept on life support by negative interest rates, plus further impoverishment of the marginal classbut once the reserve currency is gone, and with it the ability to print free moneythe machine is dead for good, At that point the west needs to earn its living the honest waythat may be a tough transition. I am now a pensioner , with enough Money to be able to live almost anywhere I would choose still I returned to my native Country, with which I dont agree very much but I did it .. because I am a Dane and ..may be naively ..hoped in spite of being a completely insignifficant elderly person to be able to make a small difference.in those years I have left of this Life. You see, over the past 30 years most Ukrainians have been content to sit around drinking beer and watching television as their country got looted. The current system offers no adequate checks and balances within the deep state. Like the ME, the SCS gives a naval power a controlling wedge in Asia. 9:12 a.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time, Listen to audio about Dmytro Balaba. The US capacity to meddle overseas will wither, after all how well can a submarine filled with drag queens and single mothers operate? The right thing to do is simply accepting them. Moreover it would be interesting to know if those who attended it and those who teach there come from Western institutions or have western links. Only the ancient Greeks had something that came close and that only for a short while. At base, the Anglo Americans possess an inbred sense of economic entitlement. I, too, responded, with some suggestions for those who feel they are too old to consider emigrating. the soul. On the one hand, he doesnt listen to Germany or France because he has American patrons. Anyway at the end of the day I enjoyed this article, its an refreshing analysis. This is happening in the course of internal political processes within the USA. China was [and arguably still is] an empire of diverse regions, ethnicities and religionsbut how is that holding China back today, or during previous centuries of imperial glory? I have sublet one of the bedrooms to a young Czech couple who are on a working holiday. Review of Dmitry Orlov's Re-inventing Collapse - Resilience The US media can make the great bulk of the people believe absolutely anything, if given enough time. Thank you. Will there be severe social disturbances ? Dmitry Orlov: The US Is Sleepwalking Towards A Nuclear Confrontation Folks in the West like that? In this fascinating interview, Russian-American author and journalist Dmitry Orlov discusses the impending US collapse and the Russian view on what he refers to as "the apocalyptic climate cult," Biden's meeting with Putin, Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset, the impending cyber wars, geoengineering and the Russian closed cycle nuclear program. For even more highly technical reasons, premium ClubOrlov content is now available at. Browse for Dmitry Samarov interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. His older volunteers went through military training in SU, and some if not many, like him, went through Afghanistan and Chechnya. Rockets are important. prayers when we suddenly find ourselves in extremis. Just so. Suddenlyor not so suddenly if you've been paying attentionwe seem to be living in a slightly different world. Here, where weve lived for twenty years, Ive planted c.200. The Saker interviews Dmitry Orlov - The Burning Platform Orlov and the Saker suggest that the economic costs are at least for now too high for Moscow to consider welcoming these areas back into the fold. How the American Military Industrial Complex, MIC, is just sabre rattling to justify their budgets. The writeup of the full interview can be found here. Based on how much the MIC spends they are certainly not getting full value, but don`t think for a moment they don`t have some super weapons in the Nevada desert that is better than anything on this planet. Chaos in the Ukraine, chaos in Venezuela, chaos everywhere the Empire is involved in any capacity and, of course, chaos inside the USA. Why the Bruins added Dmitry Orlov, Garnet Hathaway for Stanley Cup run But the people of Donetsk and Lugansk are not like that at all. Time alone will tell. Western sanctions hurting the West more than Russia. Buyers have become acutely aware of faulty business processes where business and government oversight intersect. Both their governments forced the EU constitution through their throats anyway and that without asking (Lisbon treaty). Kind regards Moves are afoot to craft laws against ecocide, and they surely must include the propagandists for the destruction of Life, like the Murdoch metastases and the whole machine of Rightwing ecological collapse denialism. She expanded the empire and built many of the beautiful buildings that today are signatures of Russias Golden Age. realize that we may be about to die and as our soul makes emergency The resulting hole in public consciousness was plugged by making a cargo cult of European integration: it was announced that the Ukraine was leaving the Russian world behind and joining the European Union and NATO. fluffy animal into your heart, and you will no longer have to wanly What Lenin reassigned to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic were Russian lands, Donetsk and Lugansk regions among them. Dmitry Orlov has died on December 5, 2014. The Saker: What is your take on the first round of Presidential elections in the Ukraine? We had the pleasure to interview author, blogger, social critic and philosopher Dmitry Orlov and get his views on the Ukraine/Russia conflict and its implications for the United States.. I suppose if things between the US and Russia eventually reach a higher level of confrontation due to the US upping the ante all the time, eventually Russia might react in a more forceful way which may include extending some kind of formal protectorate status to not only those two provinces but other parts of Novorossiya as well if the population wants it. If this is the case, then the whole disintegration of the West is a preplanned event and the outcome would be something that no analyst yet considered. Dmitry Orlov | No place like home. I moved abroad almost 10 years ago to raise my children in a more civilized place, and sincerely mourn my beloved land. The Saker: How would you assess the current situation in the Ukraine in terms of social, economic and political collapse? I spent some months in a local boarding house where it costs around A$200/week to rent a room with shared bathrooms and kitchen. What Lenin reassigned to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic were Russian lands, Donetsk and Lugansk regions among them. NATOs gender-ambivalent military technicians would not want to get in their way at all. In this essay he also speaks about the potential of Americans emigrating to other countries, including Russia. They, the russian ruling class, simply wants to conform the country to the western culture and political, economical, social system. The connection The fact that his detractors have to resort to crude and, frankly, stupid ad hominems further convinces me that Dmitrys views need to be widely shared. A whiff of World War III hangs in the air. lot of cursing/praying to be heard; are these two in some sense not After living through the Soviet collapse, Orlov identified five aspects of collapse for people to use as signposts to identify when the process had begun. Join over 20k audio creators and earn $$. Dmitry writes on subjects related to economic, ecological and political decline in the West and argues that America is imploding. His attitude sounds much like the policy which Great Britian had toward Ireland and the Irish for centuries, Interview with CEO of Gazpromneft Bitumen Materials LLC, Dmitry Orlov Usually it is as simple as clicking on the adblock icon in your browser, and choosing the disable on this page or domain option. It is to be expected that we will run out of fossil fuels before we run out of . Neither campaign comes anywhere near the US mainland. The key is, for Putin to either get on with the program or get out so new non-liberal president can do what needs to be done. The fact is bad apples in the police kill people carelessly and heedless very often and there is no recourse because communities have no review over the actions of the police. Sunday is full dress gig at 35th Battery. USA is just insane. Lets say it takes 30 years to revert the decay, so what? What the GJ propose is true democracy. All the incentives are there to keep the thing together, with little real risk of some sort of succession movement or serious insurrection. related to the pelvis and its varied functions) is a most intimate It's a tricky business: you serve, go and learn to work with guncotton. US is dying. The chaos we experience seems a portent for Armageddon. But back to Orlovlets see where he goes after starting off very clumsily. The Ukraine, its natural gas pipeline system decrepit and beyond repair, will continue to import natural gas from Europe, only now the methane molecules will actually flow to it from the west rather from the east. Likewise, the natural gas pipeline that currently supplies Russian gas to both the Ukraine and much of the EU is worn out and ready to be decommissioned, while new pipelines being laid across the Baltic and the Black Sea are about to replace it. Ive been planting trees for decades. I hoped to have a more in depth overview of these atrocities against western population from his point of view. Just bringing Crimea up to Russias contemporary standards after 30 years of Ukrainian neglect has turned out to be a monumental task; as far as doing that for the rest of the Ukraineforget it! OSCE observers released their preliminary report on the results of the first round of the presidential election, which abounds in examples of flagrant violations: corruption, bribery, pressure on voters and many other things. In essence, its a tragic population that will never survive their Empires disintegration. Dmitry Orlov's salary is $3,300,000 and his cap hit is $5,100,000 for the 2022-23 season. Russia has finally lost her soul with the end of USSR. Perhaps the future holds some spark of brightness for the people. Instead, what has occurred is several decades of thievery, stagnation and decay. I also wonder if Shorten still reports to the U.S Embassy? The name originated from Polish not Russian. . The US has illegally invaded E. Syria and is daring Russia to do something about it. soldiers Petrov and Boshirov went to work at the arsenal, learning to [3] I fear that in the new liberalist oligarchic Russia they have managers (generally trained in very expensive western universities/think thank) but not statesmen and overall statesmen with an original strategic view for a national independent interest like the old USSR had. For someone who was occupied by Soviet government (who were all Polish) you sure know nothing about how the USSR worked. Dmitry Orlov: I believe that we will be subjected to more of the same, although some things cant go on forever, and therefore wont. , , . Orlov's first goal since Dec. 19 came at a great time for the Capitals -- 4: . investigative report by J. Haek, Bellingcat. Since Im fairly connected to the lower/working class and its struggles in my part of the world I can assure you people almost enjoy suffering to a degree that foreigners easily miss and seldom ascribe it to the thieves and criminals who run our society. I have no doubt that Petr Poroshenko does not want to do this and wont do this. I think if they wrote about us, they would present these facts emotionally. Here I have to digress to explain the difference between a proper empire and the USSR. The political chattering class(es) will soon be caught out for the demonic, vacuous, ignorant fools they are, all over the world. Russian and foreign investments could do the trick. Dmitry nails it. In this segment of my interview with engineer and writer Dmitry Orlov, I ask Dmitry to provide an overview of the ongoing collapse of the United States empire on the geopolitical, economic, and political fronts, since our first interview recorded and released last year. This cannot last for ever. The policies proffered by the opposition Labor Party are laughably inadequate, but only a quarter or so as inadequate as the ruling regimes supposed policies (which they will repudiate if re-elected)but they are drawing truly demented and fanatic opposition, primarily on the basis of cost. Germany, a smaller economy with no sovereign government could absorb the RDA. Washington Capitals | Dmitry Orlov | Orlov registered an assist, two shots and two hits during Friday's 3-2 loss to the Nashville Predators. And they hired 22 year olds from the UK or Germany. These trends are on full display already. Seraphim Rose, Day of Family Became an Official State Holiday in Russia, Closing "Pride" Month with a Golden Key, Russia Built 3 Churches Per Day, 1000 Per Year For 28 Years - A World Record, Young Couple in Remote Village Discovers Ancient Christianity, Gives Up Everything to Join Orthodox Church, Modern Christian Martyr, Shot In His Own Church, American Settlers in Rural Russia - Living, Praying, Dreaming (Video), 7th Century England Was Orthodox Christian - The Fascinating History, Putin Gets Emotional - Tells Story of His Secret Baptism (Video), Christian Movies From Russia - With English Subtitles, Capital Punishment for Homosexual Acts - Christian Reasons for Outlawing Illicit Sex, The Russian Warrior-Princess Who Captured a City With an Army of Birds, The Legacy of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire in Russia [Masterpiece Documentary], Atheists and Leftists Infiltrated Russia's Schools in the 19th c., Mortally Wounding the Country - a Lesson for America, Practical Ways to Avoid Lust - Answers from a Priest in Russia, Immediately After Ecumenism Came Homosexuality, The Lives of These Russian Christian Military Heroes Will Blow Your Mind, Why This Site Is the Very Opposite of Hateful - A Christian Letter to My Hometown of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Russia's Brilliant Realist Art Academies Open to Americans in 2022 - Glazunov Academy (Photos, VIDEO), Moscows Farcical Descent Into Compulsory Vaccination, 7 Reasons You Should Never Date a Russian Woman, Gloves Are for Sissies: Photographs Show White Helmets Are Immune to Sarin, Beautiful! Exceptional, indispensable Pindos and their Euro-trash kith and kin have an inbred sense of entitlement to the worlds natural resources and labour output after half a millennium of premeditated genocide and ecocide around the planet. He answers fully. shit, and, in men, the scrotum tightens and the testicles retract. Instead, I'll just issue an update. dmitry orlov interview Restraint? Excellent news, if true. Great! idea well, what of them? Just an excellent education from gentlemen and scholars. Dmitry Orlov and Garnet Hathaway registered their first points with the Dmitry Orlov (writer) - Wikipedia But dont force that stuff down our throats. Orlov, issued No. Somehow they uniquely evolved the means of ignoring that crap playing the TV in the background, for example, while reading college studies in order to live decent lives. Who could have predicted what they did in Ukraine. Why does everything have to come in a neat package strictly in line with your demands? Although humans still (think that) they exercise a modicum of control over the technosphere, it is the technosphere's natural tendency to take control away from humans even unto life-and-death decisions, as evidenced by a recent event in Libya where an unmanned military aircraft autonomously made the decision to kill someone. Petrov and Boshirov did not shy away from this work. Never in its history has it been able to stand alone as a stable, self-sufficient, sovereign entity. Question: Have you seen any grounds for optimism in the results of the first round of the presidential election in Ukraine? I think that you are making an unwarranted assumption: that Russians hate the USA or the West. Thanks to the Saker and Orlov for this interview. Where is Russia`s space plane? I really take exception to Orlov saying how nuclear war will never happen. Home Realizacje i porady Bez kategorii dmitry orlov interview. Unimaginable that Russia will rebuild that. Tardigrades, lichens and cyanobacteria may survive, but more complex life forms will perish in droves, in a short period of time as the plant becomes uninhabitable for higher life forms, like horses, whales, turtles, orange trees, ferns, lilacs, ducks and parrots. Its a poignant thing, these United States. Something to chew on. The other pole symmetrically named the U.S. has not fallen apart yet, but there are ominous rumblings on the horizon. Ill listen again. Dmitry left Russia with his family in 1976 and settled in the Boston area to pursue an education in computer science and linguistics. And so brave http://www.cfr.org/world/rise-us-nuclear-primacy/p10147. Moved to Melbourne 2 years ago to try and find paid work once youre over 50 Its bloody tough. Orlov and Garnet Hathaway were traded from the Capitals to the Bruins on Thursday in exchange for Craig Smith, a 2023 first-round pick, a 2025 second-round pick and a 2024 third-round pick Orlov . There is a real callousness in this country now, compared to when I lived here from 1985-94. Many weapons that the USA possesses are not publically acknowledged such as weather warfare (HAARP), biowarfare targetting certain genotypes, and other exotic technologies. In the 1960s the Black Panthers set up community service organizations ( food banks, day care centers, local armed militias) and their slogan wasPower to the People. Browse for Doan Winkel interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. Will they be fooled by the Wests propaganda? Its day to day institutions, such as courts, post offices and the like function better now than they did in the 80s or 90s. We also need a "not": something that turns the light off when actuated. The Russian leaders who went through WW2 had a vision and experience which you cant buy and this saved the world many times over. These provisions on what rights Donbass should have were formulated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel personally, among others, but her ward has got out of hand. The holy and the They refuse to even say two syllables: Hello. Checkout the latest stats of Dmitry Orlov. The US media can make the great bulk of the people believe absolutely anything. Even the Ukrainian national emblem the trident hails from those days in the 900s-1200s. Listen to audio about Dmitry Orlov. The question of his ethnicity is irrelevant. Saker drew out of him a quintessential interview. Never again, he says, will Russia suffer the losses of the last war by fighting on its own territory. What Lenin reassigned to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic were Russian lands, Donetsk and Lugansk regions among them. In particular, the AngloNazi sorry Anglosphere nations (Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and of course America) are a clear and present threat that should not be underestimated, discounted, or spin-doctored away. The Saker: Where is, in your opinion, the Ukraine heading? Its a wonderful read, and the most hopeful thing Ive read for ages. If something like what I lay out is not soon done, then humanity and much of the rest of the biosphere on this planet are toast. The applicability of the concept of collapse is predicated on the existence of an intact, stand-alone entity capable of collapse, and with the Ukraine this is definitely not the case. Ethnoi (plural of ethnos) generally only last about a thousand years, and at the end of their lifecycle they tend to exhibit certain telltale trends: they stop breeding well and they become sexually depraved and generally decadent in their tastes. , , -. However, he was none too subtle about it, there is ample proof of his cheating, and the contender he squeezed outYulia Timoshenkocould theoretically contest the result in court and win. Your navy would be loathe to sail into foreign waters knowing that they could be sunk without so much as a chance to fire back.